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Company Secretary or Compliance Officer: Is There a Difference?

So you've got a new company. You researched and found out how to incorporate your company on your own, you filled in the paperwork, got your approval, and now you've got a brand new Sdn Bhd on your hands.

But you've just found out that you need to put in place compliance officers, and a company secretary. But what's the difference? And are they completely necessary?

Company Secretary

A company secretary is required by law, and therefore any Sdn Bhd, whether incorporated by its owners or by a company secretary, will need to hire a company secretary at all times to keep in compliance. Company secretaries are professionally trained and act as a representative of a company, liaising between the various government departments to keep the company in compliance with the law.

Compliance Officer

A compliance officer can be anyone within the company, and does not need to be professionally qualified. Compliance officers keep the company in line both with external regulations and government laws as well as internal policies and protocols.

Who do I need?

As mentioned above, all Sdn Bhd companies must engage a company secretary by law. If you run an enterprise or a partnership, a compliance officer might be enough for your company.

If you need a reliable Company Secretary, we've got your back. Contact us 24/7 and hear back within the day:

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